141.A37 Computerunterstützte Abbildungsverfahren Learning Points

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Registriert: 21.07.2021, 11:55

141.A37 Computerunterstützte Abbildungsverfahren Learning Points

Beitrag von Punschkrapferl »

I couldn't find anything online about this lecture, so here is my experience: :)
you should do the assignments and self assesment, so the final exam is easier. Prof. Homolka said no one has ever choosen the other path
if you study the learning points given by the lecturers, you'll be able to do the final exam quite easy

here is my document with several learning points ( some parts of Prof. Birkfellner are missing which should also be studied for the final exam) :
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Beiträge: 12
Registriert: 10.03.2021, 18:17

Re: 141.A37 Computerunterstützte Abbildungsverfahren Learning Points

Beitrag von Melissa_SF »

Thanks a lot!!! <3
Do you maybe remeber which learing points were asked?
I am having an issue with the time to study for the next exam, so I would appreciate to kinda know which learing points are important and which less important. :)

Beiträge: 12
Registriert: 10.03.2021, 18:17

Re: 141.A37 Computerunterstützte Abbildungsverfahren Learning Points

Beitrag von Melissa_SF »

Exam 07.24.pdf
Exam from July 2024 :)
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