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[166.201 Biology] EXAM 28.01.2021

Verfasst: 28.01.2021, 19:46
von Tezcatlipoca
Here are the questions from the exam today:

1. Compare a plant cell with an animal cell according to the cytology; name the major commons and differences.
2. What are the principal characteristics (give three examples) of a tumor? What means metastasis (explain with no more than 3 sentences)?
3. Schematically draw the general structure of an amino acid.
4. What happens during DNA replication, why is it needed?
5. Describe the four basic mechanisms of change and the main sources of genetic variation.
6. Name five different organelles of a eukaryotic cell and briefly describe the function of each.
7. What happens during translation, why is it needed?
8. What is the principal procedure to assess eco-toxicological risk? Explain by a maximum of 4 sentences!
9. Explain the principle of a dose-response relationship in toxicology. Give a drawing and max 2 sentences.
10. Describe the Miller Urey experiment and its main purpose and conclusions.

I also attatched a screenshot of the questions and the PDF i learned with. I just took an older PDF from somewhere in this forum, corrected a lot of english errors (not all of them since I also make some errors), added a few missing questions, also added citations from the presentations and changed some answers.