The following questions were on the exam today:
1. What are PCR primers? What is their function?
2. Define glycolysis and name some of its characteristics.
3. Compare reversible and irreversible enzyme inhibition.
4. What is translation, which components are needed and where does it occur in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?
5. Draw D-glycerinaldehyde in a Fischer-projection and explain why it is D-compound!
6. What are the basic units of terpenes? How many basic units build a diterpene?
7. How does a catalyst influence the reaction rate and what happens to the catalyst? Draw a simple reaction coordinate diagram without and with a catalyst!
8. Give a defined example of a sulfur-containing amino acid! (Draw in Fischer-projection)
All in all, these were all questions from the sample questions
Exam 13.9.2024
- Beiträge: 2
- Registriert: 06.01.2022, 16:21
Re: Exam 13.9.2024
additionally, I have attached my own summary of the course, maybe this helps somebody. I can't guarantee that everything is correct. Also my summary is probably quite detailed (which is not necessary i guess?)
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